15 February 2019 admin

How to Start an Event Planning Business from Home

Are you that enthusiastic person who runs pillar to post during several family functions? Do you excel in creating novel gift ideas and designs for your friend’s birthdays? Are you that social butterfly who brings in a lively wave of celebration in parties? Is it your dream to plan fun theme decor parties, bridal showers and lots more?

Your dream is absolutely possible. Do you still doubt it? All you really need is your laptop, phone and your event planning skills. Here are the essentials for getting your dream business to kick off.

1.     Choose your Target Milieu & Name

This is foremost factor that you need to take care of. Before you launch your business, zero in the types of events to your event planning skill set. If you have experience planning themed birthday parties for family and friend’s bridal showers, then you already know what you are best at.

Identify your strengths (and weaknesses) and then select your specific group of clients. Instead of offering to plan all events, focus your event planning skills to a definite set of clients which would make you recognized as a professional among your ideal customers.

Be creative in choosing a name for your business. But at the same time, don’t pick any ambiguous and unrelated name because the name has to tell your prospective clients exactly what your company does.

2.     Develop a Business Plan

Once you know your target niche, brainstorm ideas on how you would accomplish the business and write it out.

  • Research a lot of different sources to get a clear picture about the business, talk to people and collect information about local competitors.
  • Determine the rates you would charge for your services with the information collected.
  • Also estimate any startup costs that maybe required such as advertising fees.

3.     Marketing Plan

This is the key to reach out to your ideal audience. Think about advertising your services where the clients who need them can find you.

  • Build a website – Having an online presence helps you attract more clients as it gives you a space to showcase your work and services. A well created website makes you look more professional.
  • Promoting the business – There are numerous ways to market your business. Social media can be used effectively to advertise your event planning business and be consistent with your posts. Business cards, portfolios, print advertising, brochures are few other ways to promote your business.

4.     Your Home – Office

Make sure the favorite corner of your home ready for you to start your dream business. Think about the all the necessities required for you to work in that space and get it all done because this is the exact space where your dreams can be set to fly. 

Follow the essentials, focus on your efforts and launch your dream event planning business from the favorite corner of you

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